Tag: micro fiction


by Jude Higgins Time is the station clock at midnight when there are no taxis outside. Time is your wrist


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash by Sarah Freligh The sun comes up, a glass that shatters when it breaks the horizon. You

Night Watch

Photo by David Babayan on Unsplash by Diane Gottlieb The tree outside my window lifts his dark limbs toward the moon. He thinks

And You Thought it Was Just a Headache

Photo by Rizvi Rahman on Unsplash by Luanne Castle She pounces from a cliff, shocking me with her thoroughness and whirls me until

Shades of My Sister

Photo by CRYSTALWEED cannabis on Unsplash by Sandra Arnold We used to lie in bed, sheets over our heads like a tent, planning

Crossword Puzzle 2

Photo by monica dahiya on Unsplash Who Wrote It? Last Name Only

Gooseberry Pie Issue 6

Photo by ckturistando on Unsplash Issue 6 Stories: Meg Pokrass has a Six-Sentence Workshop scheduled for March 1-3. The theme is: Unusual Job


Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich by Sarp Sozdinler Asya and I are sunning along the rocks by the lake. We are

Alternate Ending

Photo by Pixabay by Lisa Thornton There is a world in which Larenz and Jen continue to curl up on

Nuts of the World

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash by Karen Walker A squirrel leads Kris and Helena through The Nuts of The World Museum. They

Alison Housten

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