The Body Gives, But The Spirit Lives

Photo by Bjarne Postma on Unsplash

by Jayne Martin

He lays the arm of the old record player carefully down to where its needle meets the black surface of the spinning vinyl. In the corner by the fireplace, his worn leather chair awaits to cradle his tired bones. His back bows to the heaviness of his years, his shadow the shape of a question mark, as he shuffles across the floor and sinks into its embrace. The beat of a Bosa Nova fills the room. His eyes close, gray stubbled chin resting against his chest. But his feet, his feet dance with bikini-clad girls on the sun-drenched sands of an Acapulco beach. 


Jayne Martin is a Pushcart, Best Small Fictions, and Best Microfictions nominee, and recipient of Vestal Review’s VERA award. She is the author of Tender Cuts (Vine Leaves Press) and The Daddy Chronicles-Memoir of a Fatherless Daughter (Whiskey Tit Books). She lives in California, but dreams of living in Paris. Website:


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