Special Issue 1

gooseberry pie winners

Courtesy of Unsplash+

And the Winners Are!!!

Peg Mokrass and I enjoyed reading the submissions for Gooseberry Pie’s first writing contest in celebration of National Gooseberry Month. And with over ninety entries, the decision was near impossible. In the end, ten stories were selected including a tie for first place and six honorable mentions. I hope you enjoy reading them.

First Place: (tie)

~~Too Good to be True by Jessica Klimesh

~~Raining Rocks, Eating Amla, and Other Disasters by Tara Isabel Zambrano

Second Place: 

~~Gooseberries by Kathryn Kulpa

Third Place: 

~~I Like Them Tangy by Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar

Honorable Mentions:

photo by mayur on Unsplash

With National Gooseberry Month ending soon, you still have time to celebrate with a Gooseberry Fitty Fitty Martini. One of my favorites.

And Gooseberry Pie is always open for submissions.


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