Fillmore Street, 2005

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

by Meg Pokrass

She strides through the city with her Labradoodle, hair in a retro-sixties cut, cell phone plugged in her ears, ergonomic leather backpack. Smiles when people notice the sound of her crazy ringtone, chosen for her by the grown kids, (they’ve gone mad!). Later, licking espresso shots with foam, talking to her friend about the trials of dating divorced men like rivulets going nowhere, or hair in soup. Finally, she says it softly, that cancer appeared like jellyfish on the beach overnight, invisible but real. “Here’s the number for my Intuitive Healer,” the friend says breathlessly. “Because Hon, let’s face it there is nothing more boring than death.”


Meg Pokrass is the Co-Editor of Best Microfiction. Her new collection of stories, The First Law of Holes: New and Selected is forthcoming from Dzanc Books in late 2024. 


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