When The Moon Hits Your Eye

Photo by Gaspar Uhas on Unsplash

by Charlotte Hamrick

you grab my arm to hold me still, saying I Won’t let you go

I turn faster than a deer out-running a bullet, grab your shirt under your chin, thrust my face into yours, say Oh, yeah? 

Moonlight falls on us like holy raiments. I don’t know how it’s possible but it happens, we become electric like a thunderstorm, human one minute, then milky luminous lust the next. Anger drains down our bodies soaking the floorboards, leaving ghostly footprints of rising steam that dissipate in the moonlight as we clench our bodies together like welded steel. 

And Just like that! we become another cheesy bewitched-by-the-moon story.


Charlotte Hamrick’s fiction has appeared in a number of literary magazines and is anthologized in Best Small Fictions 2022 and 2023.


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