Tag: microfiction


CW: Violence, Sexual assault by Rebecca Klassen That’s the word I used for my word jumble game, the day Dad hurt me, gripping my

Earlier That Fall

Photo by Jade B. on Unsplash by Sandra Anfang  The summer had started out well enough, he thought. That was months before he

My Wife In Real Life

by Ben Drevlow Yesterday I had to explain to this woman at workshop why my fictional wife would’ve ever married

The Entrepreneur of Babel

Photo by Hardini Lestari on Unsplash by Abe Mezrich They named him The Businessman, because of the suit but also because of his

orange christmas

Photo by Roberto Reposo on Unsplash by Patricia Bidar If I could travel back with you in time, we’d stand side by side

lonely coffee
Long Nights

Photo by Roberto Reposo on Unsplash by Zvi A. Sesling Long nights like knives cut deep and you wake up next to someone whose

Uncle Sardine

by Robert Scotellaro My uncle Joe spent time in a submarine under the polar icecaps, knew the value of vistas. Would,

st mark

Photo by MART PRODUCTION by Gary Fincke After the teacher’s writing student’s accidental death, he copies her poem about the

Issue 16

Photo by marlen-stahlhuth Unsplash Stories Trending Try our latest crossword: Movies 2023/2024 Five Ways your furry friends can help boost your creativity.

kangaroo boxing
Candle Hat

by Robert Scotellaro She told me, she wondered if roses smelled like old gym socks to gardenias, once. And that relativity

Alison Housten

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