Tag: flashfiction

i love the sea
Not Afraid, She Said

Photo by Freepix by Pat Foran I am not afraid, she said. I am not fantasy bonded (fantasy my ass),


by Benjamin Woodard Your dad decided to unwind with close friends after the service, which left you and I to transport

mom and baby and dog

Photo by Unsplash+ by Kathryn Silver-Hajo You must’ve stretched, yawned, rolled over on your mat before grasping the cord, toppling the

Self-Portrait in Triplicate

by Kip Knott My reflection holds a mirror up to me so I may see myself for myself. He looks

rain storm
A Bottle Of Rain

Photo: Getty Images by Karen Crawford Maybe you were flying, flying when we met. I was looking up at an

Mrs & Mrs Yang

Photo by Alison Marras on Unsplash by Christine H. Chen Everyday finds me and Mrs. Yang rushing to get out of bed in

Shooting for the Moon

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash by Christine H. Chen What I do is spray Windex, wipe the round glass window, the door handle, the drum,

Home Décor

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash by Christine H. Chen Because she used to have a researcher job where the managers always questioned her: why

Issue 17

Image by freepik Stories Trending August 1, 1972, the first article exposing the Watergate scandal by Bernstein and Woodward published

Eavesdropping on a Café Conversation

Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash by Anne Anthony In the nearby booth, a man and a woman sitting opposite each other sign

Alison Housten

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