Tag: flashfiction

Issue 16

Photo by marlen-stahlhuth Unsplash Stories Trending Try our latest crossword: Movies 2023/2024 Five Ways your furry friends can help boost your creativity.

kangaroo boxing
Candle Hat

by Robert Scotellaro She told me, she wondered if roses smelled like old gym socks to gardenias, once. And that relativity

The Life Span Of Honey

by Gary Fincke On the bottom shelf for things seldom touched, the honey has sat half eaten for six years,

Issue 15

Photo by Kristaps Ungurs on Unsplash Stories Trending Play Wordrow: July 4th Edition Submissions are always open. Never a fee.

Late Spring, Sunday

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash by Jack Bedell Morning, and the sun couldn’t possibly be more up. My brother and I walk

What We Do On A Night Like This

Photo by Adrian Smith on Unsplash by Rachel Smith We drive up here in the half-dark and pull up in the spot that

They Were Roommates 

Photo by Timo C. Dinger on Unsplash by Rebecca Long History will say “they were roommates.” And, to be fair, Eve and Bianca

blue jay

Photo by Richard Sagredo on Unsplash by Bethany Jarmul I’m lying in my bed which is suspended in an oak tree, reading a

Alison Housten

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