Photo by Anete Lusina:
*From Breath and Shadow: Six Sentence Stories, Mad Hat Press, 2024 co-authored with Robert Scotellaro
by Meg Pokrass
You handed me a bouquet of fake flowers you won at a ring toss booth. “Keep it,” you said. It was the first time I understood how much liquid it takes for a flower to grow. And how a garden, with all of its inherent needs, would never be something you could take care of. I loved you back then because you smelled of sex and wild seed. I could see daisies knocking around in your eyes.
Meg Pokrass is the author of Breath and Shadow: Six Sentence Stories (with Robert Scotellaro), First Law of Holes: New and Selected Stories(Dzanc Books, 2024) and eight previous collections of flash fiction and two novellas in flash. Her work has been published in three Norton anthologies, including Flash Fiction America, New Micro, and Flash Fiction International; Best Small Fictions, Wigleaf Top 50; and hundreds of literary magazines. Meg is the founding editor of Best Microfiction.