Phenomenology 101

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

by Jamy Bond

My professor says that nothing exists outside of human consciousness. The sky is not really blue, the trees are not really green, the flowers are not really pink, it’s all inside your head. I think about the night my sister died, how her car skidded off the road and jumped a fence. How it rolled eight times. And it doesn’t matter what the autopsy says about her twisted spine and broken neck. For me, she died the way she lived: with a dancer’s smooth grace, bursting through the windshield in a swan dive, glass glittering like diamonds around her face. 


Jamy Bond’s stories and essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including Best Microfiction 2023, Wigleaf, The Sun Magazine, and The Rumpus. She is Co-EIC at SugarSugarSalt Magazine.  


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