

Uncle Sardine

by Robert Scotellaro My uncle Joe spent time in a submarine under the polar icecaps, knew the value of vistas. Would, in the middle of a conversation sometimes get up and

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st mark


Photo by MART PRODUCTION by Gary Fincke After the teacher’s writing student’s accidental death, he copies her poem about the possibilities of love, reforming the imagery for desire with intricate

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kangaroo boxing

Candle Hat

by Robert Scotellaro She told me, she wondered if roses smelled like old gym socks to gardenias, once. And that relativity was a flexible concept after all and dependent on who was perceiving what. She

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The Life Span Of Honey

by Gary Fincke On the bottom shelf for things seldom touched, the honey has sat half eaten for six years, suspicious by now in the darkness formed by the contested

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blooming red flowers

Ghost Horse

by Lorette C. Luzajic The pale mare, rising out of the deep. Black bayou, floating past midnight, flickering over the horizon. I know nothing of horses, of canter and amble, of

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