Desperately Seeking

calla lily

Honorable Mention in Gooseberry Pie’s First Writing Contest April 2024

by Melissa Llanes Brownlee

Calla Lilies strewn across my doorstep, their white petals cradling long yellow stamen. A basket of cat toys and an empty blanket left at my back door for the three-legged kitten I picked up at the shelter. A red box filled with a strawberry pie, my favorite, shoved through my mail slot, oozing onto my carpet. A rock thrown through my window, glass shattering my sleep. Posters of Have you seen me? under my face, pinned to bulletin boards, taped to streetlights. No one double taking as I tear them down, wondering how you got the perfect picture of me, my eyes soft, my expression open, my mouth slipping into a smile.

Melissa Llanes Brownlee, a native Hawaiian writer living in Japan, has work forthcoming in The Threepenny Review. She tweets @lumchanmfa and talks story at


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