And For My Next Trick…

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

by Catherine Roberts

I’m told I’ll regret it, but I hide in my boyfriend’s closet anyway, watch through the slats while filling my face with the rose chocolates he bought me “just because”, and we all know what that means. I’ll catch him with Mindy or Mandy from the office and then what? Do I jump out like a cheap magician? Or blast out like a fireball, blame it all on her as she grovels hopelessly, all cherry lace and shaved legs? Maybe she will run and hide, switch jobs, while he begs me not to go, he’ll buy me more chocolates. Something tickles my cheek and I step back, right onto the leg of Mindy or Mandy, day-drunk and giggling, a cherry balcony bra peeking from between shirt-buttons, sprawled on the closet floor in her mission to catch our boyfriend cheating. 


Catherine Roberts is always writing something strange or bittersweet. Her work has been published/is forthcoming in Flash Frog, Maudlin House, Bending Genres, and Gone Lawn — among other places. Find her on X under the handle: @CRobertsWriter 


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