Amongst the Unexpected Consequences of Climate Change

Photo by Nikhil Prasad on Unsplash

by Cath Barton

It rained for a month in the autumn and the ground became a quagmire, the roads rivers. When it stopped we all breathed a sigh of relief and felt confident to drive on the twisty back lanes again. Then this: no rain for November, December, January of the new year and no prospect of rain to come. People said that’s climate change for you, but what they didn’t tell us – because no-one knew – was that the roads would shrink and all the bends would disappear. Now we’re doing what the Romans did back then, going from A to B in a straight line. It’s all a bit of a rollercoaster, but who doesn’t get a thrill out of that?!


Cath Barton lives in Wales. Four published novellas. Short-story pamphlet forthcoming. A novel looking for a publisher.  More information:


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