Sweet Nothings Are a Diary if You Know How to Read Them

keith powell chapbook

Dive into Keith J. Powell’s chapbook, “Sweet Nothings Are a Diary if You Know How to Read Them” and immerse yourself in 22 different worlds. Keith creates memorable love stories and dynamic characters that will stay with you long after reading them. You’ll go back to relish in these gems over and over.

Virtuoso scream queens. Cuckholding cockroaches. Scorned mermaids. Orphaned trapeze artists. Young love. True love. Secret love. Consuming love. Sex, strippers, Stoli, and a severed human hand. Sweet Nothings Are a Diary If You Know How to Read Them is a libidinous collection of 22 micros and flashes to light your fire and break your heart. – ELJ Editions

“Sweet Nothings Are a Diary if You Know How to Read Them” releases on September 15, 2024 and can be ordered through the publisher, ELJ Editions


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