Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash
by Louella Lester
She left him, ran away with an old lover, and when Burgess found her photograph lying on the floor of their now half-empty closet he could have done any number of things. He could have used a green felt marker to draw a viper about to bite her smiling face. Or dropped the photo into a frying pan filled with sizzling oil. Or ripped it to tiny pieces until his fingers bled. Or he could have thrust a pair of scissors into his own bruised and thumping chest. But instead he used them to cut her head out of the photograph in the perfect shape of a heart.
Louella Lester is a writer/photographer in Winnipeg, Canada, author of Glass Bricks (At Bay Press 2021), contributing editor at New Flash Fiction Review, and is included in Best Microfiction 2024. Her writing/photos appear in variety of journals/anthologies.